Expert Care. Anytime. Anywhere.

Easy & immediate access to veterinary professionals. Any question, any species, any time.

Owning a pet can be stressful. Let us help.

2 million
incidents managed

Highly trained
veterinary professionals

Real time answers
with real people

Subscription Plans

Our subscription service offers convenient 6-month auto-renewal unless cancelled, ensuring seamless continuation of benefits. Each subscription is tailored for one pet, guaranteeing personalized care and attention.

Staffed with highly-trained veterinary professionals 

Answers to general pet health advice, including training, nutrition and behavior

Review care summary reports

Receive email tips and updates specific to your pet

Unlimited access to toxicology and poisoning support (an $85 per consult value)

DVM involvement available on individual cases

DVM support / advice to treating veterinarians

Staffed with highly-trained veterinary professionals 

Answers to general pet health advice, including training, nutrition and behavior

Review case summary reports

Receive email tips and updates specific to your pet

Unlimited access to toxicology and poisoning support (an $85 per consult value)

DVM involvement available on individual cases

DVM support / advice to treating veterinarians

Cost of Subscription

Billed at $150 $114 / 6-months
Billed at $240 $180 / 6-months

Cost of Subscription

Billed at $150 $114 / 6-months
Billed at $240 $180 / 6-months

*DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

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Terms and conditions for pethelpline Subscription

By checking this box and clicking the “Place Order” button below, you agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the Subscription Plan terms above, our Privacy Policy, Website Terms of Use, and pethelpline Terms of Service including the following automatic renewal and cancellation terms: Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the initial 6-month subscription period and will continue to renew every 6 months until you cancel; You may cancel automatic renewal of your subscription by submitting notice to us at least seven days before your automatic renewal date using one of the cancellation methods described in our Cancellation Policy; and if you do not cancel renewal of your subscription before the cancellation deadline, your payment method will continue to be charged the current rate in effect at the time of renewal for each new 6-month subscription period at the recurring payment frequency described above.

Terms and conditions pethelpline Pro Subscription

By checking this box and clicking the “Place Order” button below, you agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the Subscription Plan terms above, our Privacy Policy, Website Terms of Use, and pethelpline Terms of Service including the following automatic renewal and cancellation terms: Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the initial 6-month subscription period and will continue to renew every 6 months until you cancel; You may cancel automatic renewal of your subscription by submitting notice to us at least seven days before your automatic renewal date using one of the cancellation methods described in our Cancellation Policy; and if you do not cancel renewal of your subscription before the cancellation deadline, your payment method will continue to be charged the current rate in effect at the time of renewal for each new 6-month subscription period at the recurring payment frequency described above.