Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

About pethelpline

pethelpline is a 24/7 virtual veterinary service providing guidance to pet parents and their veterinarians on any pet health concern, from general questions to identifying urgent care needs.

The pethelpline services are not veterinary telemedicine services. This means we cannot diagnose, treat, prescribe or supply medications, or provide second opinions regarding veterinary recommendations for your pet.  Any advice is provided solely for the purpose of assisting you in making health and wellness decisions for your pet. The services do not replace in-person evaluation by your pet’s veterinarian, and using the Services does not establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship between you and pethelpline.

Our pethelpline and Pet Poison Helpline team is staffed by full-time trained veterinary health experts, including veterinarians, licensed veterinary technicians, clinical toxicologists, board-certified veterinary toxicologists, internal medicine, and emergency critical care specialists, pharmacologists, and other health care professionals.

Our parent company, Pet Poison Helpline, is a 24/7 animal poison control service with over 20 years of experience helping pet owners and veterinarians treat a potentially poisoned pet.  They’re the experts your veterinarian trusts when faced with a poisoning situation.

For health and information questions regarding your pet, please use the dedicated phone number or email address that was provided after you registered your pets. If you cannot locate the dedicated phone number or email address, please reach out to us at


For general customer service inquiries or questions about your subscription, please contact us at

We provide you with a case number which you relay to your veterinarian. Consultations with your veterinarian are included as part of your subscription.

Many situations, especially poisoning incidents, are not frequently encountered by veterinarians and when they are, each incident usually involves different substances and circumstances. Therefore, most veterinarians appreciate a resource for obtaining vital and trusted information for emergencies.

No! We have the staff and the expertise to confidently support any type of question/exposure for any species of animal.

Frequently asked questions by subscribers

pethelpline- this plan will include 24/7 access to pethelpline. You will be able to ask wellness questions on various topics like behavior, nutrition, and training. pethelpline does NOT include Pet Poison Helpline and exposure-related questions. If your pet has been exposed to a potential poison and you are on the pethelpline please contact the Pet Poison Helpline directly at 800.213.6680.


pethelpline pro- this plan will include 24/7 unlimited access to the pethelpline and Pet Poison Helpline. You can ask wellness and toxicology questions.

Updating your information

To change your billing information, please log in to your subscription portal on

Yes, pethelpline will send you reminder emails about your renewal date. You can choose to opt-out of your renewal up to 7 days before your designated renewal end date.

You can cancel your subscription at any time through your online subscription portal. Please note that you will still have access to your subscription benefits until your 6-month subscription timeline has expired.

pethelpline pro- this plan will include 24/7 unlimited access to the pethelpline and Pet Poison Helpline. You can ask wellness and toxicology questions.

Updating your pet's information

You can add pet(s) in your online subscription portal or by emailing our support team at

You can remove pet(s) in your online subscription portal or by emailing our support team at

Please email our support team at if you have changes to your pet’s profile. 

Frequently Asked Questions by Employee Benefit Members

Yes, as an employee benefit there is a per-month subscription fee managed via payroll deduction.

Yes. If you depart from your employer, the pethelpline team with reach out to update your payment method.

Congratulations! If your pet family grows, please email us at so we can set up their pet profile.

If you have any further questions contact us at:

Terms and conditions for pethelpline Subscription

By checking this box and clicking the “Place Order” button below, you agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the Subscription Plan terms above, our Privacy Policy, Website Terms of Use, and pethelpline Terms of Service including the following automatic renewal and cancellation terms: Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the initial 6-month subscription period and will continue to renew every 6 months until you cancel; You may cancel automatic renewal of your subscription by submitting notice to us at least seven days before your automatic renewal date using one of the cancellation methods described in our Cancellation Policy; and if you do not cancel renewal of your subscription before the cancellation deadline, your payment method will continue to be charged the current rate in effect at the time of renewal for each new 6-month subscription period at the recurring payment frequency described above.

Terms and conditions pethelpline Pro Subscription

By checking this box and clicking the “Place Order” button below, you agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the Subscription Plan terms above, our Privacy Policy, Website Terms of Use, and pethelpline Terms of Service including the following automatic renewal and cancellation terms: Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the initial 6-month subscription period and will continue to renew every 6 months until you cancel; You may cancel automatic renewal of your subscription by submitting notice to us at least seven days before your automatic renewal date using one of the cancellation methods described in our Cancellation Policy; and if you do not cancel renewal of your subscription before the cancellation deadline, your payment method will continue to be charged the current rate in effect at the time of renewal for each new 6-month subscription period at the recurring payment frequency described above.